• Technology

    Technology for smarter ways forward.

  • Software

    E-Commerce and webbased applications.

  • Strategy

    Realizing growth.
    Earning returns.
    Creating long-term sustainable values.
    For generations to come. Preserving our planet.

  • People

    Convincing with arguments.
    Inspiring with actions.
    Motivating with respect.
    Everyone is different and all are the same.











one more power player in your team!

Netlaxy UG (limited liability) is a consulting and software company:

  • Consulting with a focus on technology and strategy consulting.
  • Software development with a focus on e-commerce and web-based applications.

“We” are a one-man company based in Bavaria, Germany.

Hello, my name is Sven. Glad you are here !

I have combined Netlaxy's software development activities under the brand name “Shoplaxy”. You can find Shoplaxy here.


Technology for smarter ways forward.



Technology is the basis for progress, innovation and economic success.

It arises from the application of science through technology, products and processes to achieve a desired result.

The application follows a logic and is a chain of clear, explainable and comprehensible decision-making steps and actions derived from them.

New technologies arise from new technical discoveries and practices, or they use existing technology in new ways to achieve new results.

To inspire creation of new technologies, it is sometimes helpful to have a larger perspective - perspective from experience.

My experience spans various technology areas: automation, energy and software.

These include motor and 3-axis controls, electrical components, sensors, instrumental transformers and transducers, power supplies, energy and data transmission systems, ultra-smart (motion-controlled) mobile devices, software platforms, e-commerce, AI, blockchain, IT security, as well as production systems from the automotive industry up to pulp and paper production plants, or for green hydrogen, e- and bio-fuels, fuel cells and electrolysers. ... and I learn quickly on new terrain.

During my many years of experience, I have gained numerous insights into a wide range of industries, products and solutions and have worked with people and teams at all levels of the company.

Technology can be the product of a company or can be used within the company to develop and manufacture the company's products.

I can motivate and encourage your teams to rethink what already exists and what has been achieved, or to radically question it, in order to unleash possible creative potential and enable further innovations.

I can try to understand your technical products and solutions, and your processes, from an independent perspective.

In a way to check that the solutions being considered or implemented are actually those that make the most sense, fulfill their purpose best, ideally cover the needs and wishes of customers, and provide you with real benefits against the competition and even more desirable and valuable benefits for your customers.

Or to challenge your performance, quality and efficiency, to systematically analyze the complexity and interrelationships, to structure your processes and systems in such a way that they become - if possible - even more transparent, simpler and manageable, for further scalability and higher efficiency and to enable even better mass market suitability.

If you would like to share your challenges with me and would be interested in advice, I would be happy to hear from you.


Completing tasks and processes with autonomous, self-guided machines is the ultimate goal of automation.

In order to automate, it is first necessary to understand a process to be automated and the connections with the supply- and sales processes - its embedding in a production system or a supply chain. In order to analyze the process to be automated, the conversions of inputs into outputs variables, quantities, materials, components, workpieces, assemblies and subsystems must be considered and it must be considered how these conversions could be accomplished or supported by machines “alone” without human intervention.

Automation can therefore change every area of human activity. Be it machines that automate manufacturing or assembly, or robots that help and support in processes or in daily life, as logistic transportation systems, or robots and devices for medical diagnosis and operations, and much more, autonomous vehicles or remote activities in remote locations or perhaps - sometime in the future - planets.

Until now, automation was intended to complete recurring tasks faster and more accurately than we humans could, to make production more economical or to take on completion of dangerous tasks with minimal risk.

With artificial intelligence, automation will not only be able to complete existing tasks, but will increasingly be able to recognize connections and react or act preventively at lightning speed - without human intervention - and thus enable a further increase in the quality of plants and systems.

The next wave, with digital twins, hyperautomation and large action models (LAMs), has already started.

To implement these new automated systems we need software and energy.

I would be happy to advise and support you and your teams and consider with you which production steps can be automated to achieve the best possible benefits.


Energy drives everything.

In order to make your company green and sustainable, I would be happy to support you in the conception and development of new solutions.

My focus is on the areas of electrical energy production and conversion, power supply-, inverter- and measurement-technology. My newer projects focus on biogenic and renewable energy production, e- and biofuels, fuel cells and electrolysers. For example I started a project on hydrogen-systems: "elhyze".

I have worked on projects for contactless combined energy and data transmission systems for fast charging stations, for satellite and arctic missions, for solar chargers, for power supplies in all industrial sectors, and for sensors in transmission and distribution networks.

In a project for the production of “green” hydrogen and “green” methanol for the decarbonization of mobility solutions, I supported an international team in developing manufacturing concepts and processes and exploring the technologies available today.

If you are interested in the technologies behind it, I look forward to hearing from you.


Software is the binding element that holds everything I do together.

Because it plays such an important role, I spent a lot of time on it.

I started programming in Assembler and Basic on a Commodore C64 in the 1980s. During my studies, I programmed 3-axis drive control software for PCs, then switched to embedded microcontrollers and PLCs for automation systems.

I got to know local networks with DecNet PCSA while working as part of an IT team that implemented an initial trial installation at a machine tool manufacturer.

In the early 2000s, I worked in a team with motion-controlled mobile devices for 2.5G and 3G networks, Java operating systems and branded Java applications to make the Internet “user-centric” and mobile and thus perhaps laying out the basic ideas for today's smartphones and apps.

To explore the Internet and the technologies behind it, I programmed a browser in Java, allowing me to not only better understand the challenges, discover the vulnerabilities, but also optimize my own browsing experience.

From the front end, I moved to the server side and started developing websites, platforms and e-commerce.

The website for my commercial offering of software services and development, including for platforms such as Shopware and WordPress, can be found here: shoplaxy.com.

Based on my experiences and interests, I also developed my own platform, the Netlaxy Toolkit. The approach is consistent optimization. For example, only required components are loaded, round trips are minimized through the integration and compression of scripts and styles, and highly efficient image formats further limit the usage of memory and bandwidth. By completely avoiding third-party code libraries that contain solutions for everything but not really for what is currently needed, I can maximally reduce the amount of data that has to be transferred to build the page.

In addition, I like to work with (for me recently) new technologies, such as blockchain and machine learning, and try to challenge and optimize them.

I have developed a scalable private blockchain solution to make block validation as efficient as possible, keeping overheads and energy requirements to a minimum.

For machine learning, I re-wrote a Python solution in Javascript without using external libraries to understand the requirements and technology and develop a sense of its uses.


Realizing growth.
Earning returns.
Creating long-term sustainable values.
For generations to come. Preserving our planet.


Strategy / Development

I can help you analyze markets, examine market trends and engage with key players to better understand trends, challenges and risks and to discover opportunities.

To develop companies, there are always at least two options: realizing new opportunities or optimizing existing processes.

Realizing new opportunities

New opportunities mean growth.

I specialize in growth scenarios. I like the “lowest hanging fruits” best.

The core of my experience is to find and win potential customers, partners and projects that enable growth opportunities and multipliers, and to motivate teams to grow beyond themselves and make every opportunity more tangible.

Short-term realizable growth

In the short term, it is most possible to further develop existing customer relationships and partnerships, projects and products.

This eliminates the acquisition time needed to build trust. In existing customer relationships, the direct personal contact, the trust relation and the assessment of product and delivery quality should be completed, making it easier to achieve the first successes faster and thus paving the way for the fastest possible growth in the shortest possible time.

Mid-term realizable growth

In the mid-term, it makes sense to win new customers and new projects in the industries of existing customers or related industries.

Long-term realizable growth

In the long term, expansion can be achieved by developing new products, new technologies, new brands, new sales channels and partnerships, new locations and new markets.

Growth through technology

Technology has always played a central role in the companies where I have had the opportunity to gain experience.

Technology that is used in your own processes, for example, to make them better and more efficient. But especially technology that was developed within the company for the production of its own products and services.

In both cases, technology is the basis for economic success. But it alone is no guarantee.

In order to turn technology into economic success, you need a vision, a strategy and a plan - and a team that then implements it.

What does your technology do that isn't possible without it? What is the result you want to sell – the technology itself, or products or services derived from it? How, where, when and for whom are these interesting and valuable? And what does that mean for the value of your technology?

These questions are frequently the beginning of a new project. Let’s discover the next big new thing together.

Vision – Strategy - Plan

Creating visions is one of my favorite challenges. Bold visions for even bolder strategies. The starting point of any strategy is the present and the goal is the vision you want to achieve or turn into reality. The plan describes how this should work.

The plan is a number of work packages and milestones spread over a timeline, that must be completed in order to achieve the goal. Each of these work packages has prerequisites, input parameters, actions, resources that carry out these actions, and output parameters. The work packages can be planned one after the other if the following one requires the completion of the previous one or requires the same resources, or in parallel or parallel-shifted to each other, if one work package is independent of another or if it requires partial completion of another or during partial completion requires the same resources.

The milestones are control points at which it is checked whether all work packages that have to be completed for this milestone have actually been completed. Only if they are is the milestone considered reached and the project can be continued.

As I like to tell myself, in an ideal world everything could work out as planned. But experience has shown me as well, that the better the strategy and the more precise and well thought-out the implementation plan is, the higher the chances of a significant improvement compared to today's reality.

I would also be happy to help you and your teams design and implement the vision, strategy and plan.


The team is crucial to implementing the plan. The team will only implement the plan if they are motivated, can understand and identify with the vision, make it their own, and have understood the strategy that is the basis of the plan.

In order for the team to successfully execute the work packages, they must be able to be communicated clearly and convincingly. Clear definitions and descriptions based on convincing, comprehensible, transparent and factually justified arguments, delimitations of input and output parameters, resource allocations, defined budgets, scenarios and risk assessments are crucial - regardless of whether your team is employees or also includes customers, partners and investors.

In addition to pure financial and time-based metrics, further metrics and control metrics are defined with milestones and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which can be used for a data-based assessment of the fulfillment of each individual work package and thus also the entire plan.

Another crucial point is the allocation and division of responsibility. Only through shared responsibility, full responsibility is perceived by the team. And this can make a decisive contribution to the motivation and commitment of team members.

I can help you plan work packages, budgets and resource allocations, and coach your team to increase the chances of executing your strategy and realizing your vision.

Optimize existing processes

However, “lowest hanging fruits” may well be achieved by a strategy consisting of optimizing the use of existing resources in order to achieve better efficiency and quality - or, if necessary, cost reductions.

In order to optimize usage, the processes must be clearly defined and analyzed to identify any opportunities for multipliers or simplifications, as well as reserves, weak points or bottlenecks.

It is important to look at the processes across the entire company.

In a manufacturing company, for example, relevant company areas or departments would be: Sales, Marketing, R&D, Purchasing, Production, Warehousing and Logistics, as well as Administration, Finance and Accounting, right up to Quality Management.

Each of these business areas is important because each contributes to the company's success and none can achieve it without the others.

Beyond your own company, it is just as important to include the supply chain as a whole, with all upstream and downstream supply chain partners.

The performance and qualities of the respective processes become clear at the interfaces. Measurements on these interfaces can be recorded to quantitatively as well as temporally and qualitatively collect and qualify the processes, via inputs and outputs of products, materials, assemblies, etc.

For example, you can recognize whether a process has a much higher throughput than the downstream process and then intervene by reducing the throughput of the first or increasing the one of the second. In the first case this usually leads to a reduction in costs and in the second case to an increase in sales. In both cases this makes a positive contribution to the company's success.

Once the processes have been analyzed, it becomes clear which areas require action.

For example, if capacity is available in production, this may mean that sales have not received enough orders - or purchasing has not procured enough parts and components. Accordingly, you can then try to understand why in sales or purchasing. The reasons can be varied, internal or external - but the roots often lie in the communication between those involved on both sides of the interfaces.

There are processes, particularly in the areas of sales and marketing, manufacturing or R&D, that I can help you with. These are all processes that involve your people, your collaboration, your conflicts and your communication.


Convincing with arguments.
Inspiring with actions.
Motivating with respect.
Everyone is different and all are the same.



The key success factor for any organization is people – human capital, in the truest sense.

The people in the company, the employees, but also the people who need and buy the company's products and services, the customers, as well as all other partners and market participants who are directly or indirectly involved in the company's processes or have an influence on them.

They are all different – each in their own right. And yet they are all the same.

People have needs and feelings, need attention, care and love, motivation and satisfaction. Are driven individually, by fundamental and absolute life forces. And they have to find their individual balance within the team in order to maximise performance and prevent conflicts.

People are not perfect. Nobody is born into a task. But they have talents and interests, have acquired knowledge and experience over the course of their lives and careers and are capable of learning and thirsty for knowledge.

Whether you make the difference depends not only on you, but also on the framework conditions that you are given by what the company, your superiors and your tasks require of you and how you are supported and encouraged in doing so.

The more they are given the opportunity to decide and act independently within a defined area of responsibility, the greater their willingness to take on responsibility, the more they feel valued and respected, and the higher their satisfaction and motivation - and the better theirs results.

An important key to developing employees is to give them the freedom to learn and the freedom and motivation to apply, multiply and share their knowledge responsibly.

Insights are logical. And so they will be logical and understandable for others. They enrich the knowledge and experiences that can be translated into processes, products and services and provide the arguments for convincing team members, customers, partners and markets and are therefore essential for your competitive advantage and to strengthen the basis of you company’s success.

I enjoy helping to develop or start up teams and coach them to success.

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